Tooth Replacement

If you are suffering from missing teeth, you are not alone. Many patients have one or more missing teeth. At Castle Rock Family Dental, we offer several options for replacing missing teeth. When gaps are left in your smile, surrounding teeth may begin to shift out of place and your jaw bone can begin to deteriorate. A tooth restoration could improve your oral health and give you back your smile! If you are interested in tooth replacement options in Castle Rock, CO, we recommend scheduling a consultation to discover the best choices for your smile. Call our office today to get started!

Dental Implants

A dental implant provides one of the best ways to replace a missing tooth. Dental implants are both long-lasting and durable. A dental implant is made up of three parts – the abutment, the implant post itself, and a dental crown. This tooth restoration is made to stand alone, not depending on surrounding teeth for support. Whether you have one or more missing teeth, dental implants offer a permanent solution for getting back your smile! 

Full & Partial Dentures

More advanced than ever before, dentures fit more securely, comfortably and naturally. Partial dentures are used to replace a section of teeth that are missing, whereas full dentures replace all of the teeth on the upper or lower jaw. If you are interested in dentures, a consultation will allow your dentist to examine your smile and determine the best options for your teeth replacement. 

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are used to fill the gap where one or more teeth are missing. A dental bridge anchors to a tooth on either side of the gap, creating a secure location to place a tooth restoration. One or more dental crowns are used to replace the missing teeth and are held into place with the help of the dental bridge that is bonded to surrounding anchor teeth.